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00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <iomanip>
00004 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/duff.hpp>
00006 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
00007 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation_blocked.hpp>
00008 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
00009 #include <boost/timer.hpp>
00011 namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;
00012 using namespace std;
00014 void initmatrix(ublas::matrix<double>& A) {
00015  for(size_t i = 0; i<A.size1(); i++)
00016   for(size_t j = 0; j<A.size2(); j++)
00017    A(i,j) = 1.0*rand();
00018 }
00019 void initmatrix(ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major>& A) {
00020  for(size_t i = 0; i<A.size1(); i++)
00021   for(size_t j = 0; j<A.size2(); j++)
00022    A(i,j) = 1.0*rand();
00023 }
00025 template <class M>
00026 void zeromatrix(M& X)
00027 {
00028         X.assign( ublas::zero_matrix<double>(X.size1(), X.size2()) );
00029 }
00031 typedef ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major> CT;
00032 typedef ublas::matrix<double,ublas::row_major> RT;
00034 #define mul(a,b,m) \
00035 { \
00036   initmatrix(A); \
00037   initmatrix(B); \
00038   t.restart(); \
00039   for (size_t a=0;a<size;a++) \
00040    for (size_t b=0;b<size;b++) \
00041     size_t m = 0; \
00042     DD (size, 4, e, ((X(r,c) += A(r,k)*B(k,c)), ++m) ); \
00043   time = t.elapsed(); \
00044   cout << setw(8) << time << flush; \
00045 }
00047 #define mul2(xtype) \
00048 { \
00049   zeromatrix(X); \
00050   initmatrix(A); \
00051   initmatrix(B); \
00052   t.restart(); \
00053   X.plus_assign(prod(A,B)); \
00054   time = t.elapsed(); \
00055   cout << setw(8) << time << flush; \
00056   cerr << equals(X,prod(A,B)) << endl; \
00057 }
00059 #define mul3(xtype) \
00060 { \
00061   zeromatrix(X); \
00062   initmatrix(A); \
00063   initmatrix(B); \
00064   t.restart(); \
00065   X.plus_assign(ublas::block_prod<xtype>(A,B,64)); \
00066   time = t.elapsed(); \
00067   cout << setw(8) << time << flush; \
00068   cerr << equals(X,prod(A,B)) << endl; \
00069 }
00071 #define mulset(xtype,atype,btype) \
00072 { \
00073  xtype X(size,size); \
00074  atype A(size,size); \
00075  btype B(size,size); \
00076  mul2(xtype); \
00077  mul3(xtype); \
00078  mul(r,k,c); \
00079  mul(r,c,k); \
00080  mul(k,r,c); \
00081  mul(k,c,r); \
00082  mul(c,r,k); \
00083  mul(c,k,r); \
00084  cout << endl; \
00085 }
00087 void test2(const size_t size) {
00088   boost::timer t;
00089         double time;
00090   cout << "size of metrices - " << size << "x" << size << endl << endl;
00091   cout << "      ublas     block   rkc     rck     krc     kcr     crk     ckr" <<
00092 endl;
00093   cout << "RRR";mulset(RT,RT,RT);
00094   cout << "RRC";mulset(RT,RT,CT);
00095   cout << "RCR";mulset(RT,CT,RT);
00096   cout << "RCC";mulset(RT,CT,CT);
00097   cout << "CRR";mulset(CT,RT,RT);
00098   cout << "CRC";mulset(CT,RT,CT);
00099   cout << "CCR";mulset(CT,CT,RT);
00100   cout << "CCC";mulset(CT,CT,CT);
00101 }
00103 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
00104   test2(100);
00105 }

Generated on Wed Oct 1 14:41:00 2003 for Sample Code by doxygen 1.3.2